Heavyweight Swamp team sending migrants North using – wait for it 💳 points!

Bush, Clinton And Obama NGO Teams Up With AmEx Global To Fly Migrants Into The US

A new nongovernmental organization (NGO) launched by former Presidents Obama, Clinton and George W. Bush, Miles4Migrants, is teaming up with American Express Global Business Travel (AmEx GBT) and Welcome.US, in order to fly migrants to communities throughout the United States.

The Welcome Connect Travel program is a joint campaign by the nonprofits Welcome.US, and Miles4Migrants, as well as American Express Global Business Travel (Amex GBT). It is fashioned after a similar air miles donation campaign by the two nonprofits in 2021 when over $2 million and 500 million air miles were raised to help 18,000 Afghans fly to the United States. Now they are hoping to raise $1.5 million to fund flights for asylum-seekers from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Ukraine who are part of new humanitarian sponsorship programs offered by the United States government for those who qualify. The Biden administration hopes that through direct flights fewer migrants will make the dangerous and arduous trek north to the border, and families will be safer, and fewer migrants will congregate on the Southwest border.

Welcome.us says it’s a: new national initiative built to inspire, mobilize, and empower Americans from all corners of the country to welcome and support those seeking refuge here. We began with our new Afghan neighbors and have expanded to those fleeing Ukraine, while also building a durable capacity and ability to welcome other newcomers. We operate on the evidence that direct participation with newcomers transforms both the welcomer and those being welcomed. Our ultimate ambition is for every American community – and the nation as a whole – to have the resources and willingness to welcome newcomers, now and in the future.

The Welcome.US – “Honorary Co-Chairs”